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Time:2020-07-20 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:705

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Dual shaft shredder equipment production capacity is stronger, for a variety of different life garbage can be processed and shredded. Each part of the dual shaft shredder is designed after a lot of visits and practice. The following mainly introduces what role the damping device plays in production.


The shock absorber installed on the dual shaft shredder is a kind of vibration spring shock absorber, which is a vibration control device sensitive to displacement. When a large piece of solid and tough material enters the dual shaft shredder, it is easy to get stuck. It is necessary to reverse the motor again and then turn the motor forward. In serious cases, it is even necessary to pour out the material again and tear it up after preliminary separation, which greatly reduces the operation efficiency and output of the equipment. The purpose of installing this damping device is to reduce the impact and vibration of the material on the dual shaft shredder. The spring is used to absorb the vibration energy, and the tool spacing of the dual shaft shredder is adjusted automatically with the vibration of the shock absorber. In this way, the problem of machine jam is solved, and the motor is protected by overload.


As a professional shredder manufacturer and supplier, Shuguang Heavy Machinery's double shaft shredder can shred common domestic waste, and has a special production line to treat waste tires into small particles, which are used as raw materials in many fields.Welcome to contact us for more details.


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