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Time:2018-01-16 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:566

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In recent years, the news for old bicycle, car, lead to the phenomenon of "graveyard" frequently appeared in the xinhua and other famous sites, so these metal garbage piling up. What should I do? Generally in the school of public bicycle "zombie" can be changed to campus, so in the DMV shredding machine can use parked by the department of industry, such as second recycling, with metal shredder localization, the scale and technology mature, zhengzhou light heavy industry production by shredding machine series product is the best choice to shred of waste materials.

In the spring of 2017, however, the report shows that competition in the industry, plastic shredder, such as metal shredder shredded industry competition heats up, the small and medium-sized enterprises for product sales set a narrow, lead to many small businesses to shutter its operations for rectification, again reflects the superior slightly the survival law of tide. Face the shredding machine users continue to care about the quality of the products, it is also one of the root of the main production enterprise future development, such as in metal shredder production, the service life of the lining board, equipment in the production of materials is the material of high hardness, so when choosing lining material, choose high wear resistance of steel, in the sales of the equipment, to show that in the specification when found sag, lining cracking phenomenon should change in time, when to avoid influence the material particle size.

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